Rep. Swalwell Exposes GOP Hypocrisy on Subpoenas

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Rep. Eric Swalwell Criticizes House Republicans for Ignoring Subpoenas

During the floor debate on holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress, Rep. Eric Swalwell criticized House Republicans for their refusal to honor 1/6 Committee subpoenas. Swalwell pointed out that Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, and other Republicans have been in defiance of subpoenas for over 750 days.

Swalwell emphasized, “Can we talk about subpoenas for one second? Because two of your last speakers are 750-plus days in defiance of a subpoena. So, get real when Mr. Jordan and Mr. Biggs come to this floor and want to talk and get all righteous about subpoenas. You start honoring your subpoenas, and we can talk about anyone else’s subpoenas.”

House Republicans’ Selective Memory

House Republicans, who previously chose to ignore 1/6 Committee subpoenas, are now attempting to shift the focus to attacking members of President Biden’s cabinet. After failing to impeach Biden, they are targeting Attorney General Garland because the DOJ has declined to provide the audio of Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

The DOJ has already given Republicans the transcript but has concerns about the audio being manipulated for political purposes. Rep. Swalwell’s remarks shed light on the hypocrisy of House Republicans, highlighting that until they start honoring their own subpoenas, they have no credibility to criticize others.

Video of Rep. Swalwell’s Comments:

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Chris Jones

Hey there! 👋 I'm Chris, 34 yo from Toronto (CA), I'm a journalist with a PhD in journalism and mass communication. For 5 years, I worked for some local publications as an envoy and reporter. Today, I work as 'content publisher' for InformOverload. 📰🌐 Passionate about global news, I cover a wide range of topics including technology, business, healthcare, sports, finance, and more. If you want to know more or interact with me, visit my social channels, or send me a message.
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