New Martian Discoveries on This Week In Space

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Discovery of New Volcano on Mars

During Episode 102 of This Week In Space, Dr. Pascal Lee shared fascinating insights into the discovery of a newly identified volcano on Mars. Dr. Lee and his team made this groundbreaking discovery in a region of intricate terrain situated between Olympus Mons, the solar system’s largest volcano, and the western extent of Valles Marineris, the most extensive canyon on Mars.

Exciting Findings

Not only did Dr. Lee and his associates stumble upon a relict glacier obscured by volcanic ash, but they also uncovered evidence of a volcano that had been recently active but was previously unknown to the scientific community. The question arises – how was such a significant geological feature overlooked until now? Dr. Lee promises to elaborate on the intricate details surrounding this remarkable find.

Implications for Life on Mars

This discovery carries profound implications, including the tantalizing possibility of discovering life forms in close proximity to this newly identified volcanic region on Mars. The revelation of this newfound feature on the Red Planet represents a significant moment in scientific exploration and understanding.

Space News Highlights

Model Falcon 9 Rocket: Space enthusiasts can now acquire a detailed scale model of a Falcon 9 rocket from Estes, a renowned model rocket maker. This intricately crafted model retails for $149.99 and offers an exciting opportunity for space enthusiasts to launch their own SpaceX rocket, providing a unique and immersive experience.

See also
Blue Origin's NS-25 Mission: Crewed Space Tourism Flight

About This Week In Space

This Week in Space delves into the latest developments in the space industry, exploring cutting-edge advancements, future space missions, and the ongoing quest for human exploration beyond Earth. Hosted by Rod Pyle and Tariq Malik from, the show provides a comprehensive analysis of space-related topics every Friday, offering valuable insights and expert commentary.

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About Post Author

Chris Jones

Hey there! 👋 I'm Chris, 34 yo from Toronto (CA), I'm a journalist with a PhD in journalism and mass communication. For 5 years, I worked for some local publications as an envoy and reporter. Today, I work as 'content publisher' for InformOverload. 📰🌐 Passionate about global news, I cover a wide range of topics including technology, business, healthcare, sports, finance, and more. If you want to know more or interact with me, visit my social channels, or send me a message.
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