“The First Omen” birthing scene nearly earns NC-17 rating

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The First Omen: A Cinematic Prequel

Set before the events of the classic 1976 film, The First Omen delves into the days leading up to the birth of Damian, the prophesied Antichrist. Along with Damian’s birth, the movie also includes a controversial birthing scene that caught the attention of the MPAA prior to its release.

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Early in the film, novice nun Margaret, portrayed by Nell Tiger Free, experiences a haunting vision at the orphanage. In this hallucination, she witnesses a woman giving birth, but with a disturbing twist. A demonic hand emerges from the birthing canal, resulting in the film initially receiving an NC-17 rating from the ratings board—a classification that often limits a film’s theatrical distribution.

Director Arkasha Stevenson was taken aback by the unexpected rating, particularly when she identified the specific reason behind it. She revealed that a full frontal shot of the vagina, with a hand protruding, was the primary issue that caused concern. The focus on the anatomy in that scene raised red flags during the rating process.

The process of navigating the MPAA’s guidelines proved to be frustrating for Stevenson, especially when she realized that altering the focus could secure approval. She found it perplexing that scenes featuring gore and violence posed no issue, yet a shot involving the female anatomy bore such scrutiny. Stevenson described it as a perplexing experience, fueling her determination to advocate for the film.

To address the rating concerns, Stevenson modified the shot to begin with the hand already emerging from the vagina, portraying a sense of violation from the outset. This adjustment ultimately intensified the graphic nature of the scene, emphasizing the stretched skin and heightened sense of pain.

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Nell Tiger Free, who portrayed Margaret, shared her perspective on filming the controversial scene. She detailed the process of filming, which involved a mix of interactions with the actor and visualizing the scene through a camera lens. It was during the post-production phase that she witnessed the completed sequence, which she enthusiastically embraced as a powerful moment.

Reflecting on the film as a whole, Free emphasized the nuanced approach to challenging topics within The First Omen. Despite its dark and unsettling themes, the movie aims to provoke thought without imposing specific viewpoints on the audience.

In the midst of the ratings controversy, Stevenson expressed gratitude for the studio’s support throughout the ordeal. She highlighted the inclusion of the confrontational scene in a Disney film as a significant achievement in pushing boundaries.

The First Omen is currently showing in theaters, inviting audiences to experience the prelude to a legendary tale.

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Chris Jones

Hey there! 👋 I'm Chris, 34 yo from Toronto (CA), I'm a journalist with a PhD in journalism and mass communication. For 5 years, I worked for some local publications as an envoy and reporter. Today, I work as 'content publisher' for InformOverload. 📰🌐 Passionate about global news, I cover a wide range of topics including technology, business, healthcare, sports, finance, and more. If you want to know more or interact with me, visit my social channels, or send me a message.
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